Kate is lying. She wanted to write the post for me.
Kate should buy Crocs, as she isn't my friend. Yellow to match her cereal box watch.
I bet right now she is writing how cool she is on my blog, don't listen.
Actually, I know she is because she's saying it out loud while she types (FOOL!).
Kate thinks she's too mature to play games (most friends etc), but she's really not. She just lost.
Kate thinks she's smooth...but she's not.
Kate wishes she was like me, that's why she's always following me around and copying everything I do (seriously).
She lies in bed at night crying about how much cooler I am than her while she refreshes her blog a thousand times (so she looks like she's popular...like me).
I don't have much else to say but I can still hear her typing...
Okay... I'm finished.
Just know, that Kate can't live without me. I'm her best friend (but she isn't mine).
She's discussing her spelling now.
Bridge to Terabithia
14 years ago