Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hello, My name is Kate and this is my first blog..
At the moment I'm sitting here trying to work out how to follow people on this..
as Ali Mullins and Annie Murphy want me to follow them.
I tried doing this in class today but couldn't figure it out and considering I have nothing better to do I decided to try and work it out. Actually that's false, I honestly completely forgot about this website until Ali sent me an email on facebook telling me to follow her blog which I still haven't figured out how to do. My afternoon today was pretty productive I dyed my tights for performing arts, I'm really proud of them, they worked out well, and I expected them to go pink instead of red. After dying my tights I went on the asx (Australian stock market) website and looked at our my stocks are going. My group is coming 5th at the moment, but hopefully we can work our way back up to 2nd like we were last night. Oh well we'll get there :).


  1. Haha.
    Don't lie Porter.
    You were on the BOM website all night ;)

  2. haha, actually i haven't been on the bom website in a while..
